‘A picture is worth a thousand words’… the well-known phrase thought to have emerged in the USA in the early part of the 20th century and attributed to Frederick Barnard as part of his review of the ‘effectiveness of graphics in advertising’. Whatever its origins, the phrase is more relevant today than ever before and we suggest it should rather be updated to ‘If a picture is worth a thousand words…a GOOD picture is worth even more’.
As a global supplier of precision bearings and tooling to aerospace, medical, nuclear and defence industries, Carter Manufacturing has embraced the value of producing outstanding images for all marketing purposes. Industrial media (online and in-print) has never been more competitive than it is today with an abundance of potential content competing for increasingly limited space.
We feel delighted to announce that Carter's photography partner & multi-award-winning industrial photography specialist, Adrian Waine, has a feature story in the September 2022 issue of the Manufacturing Update magazine. Well-written, informative content combined with professional, creative images makes a big difference in winning the battle for coverage in the UK’s leading technical and industrial media.
In this story, our COO, Melvin Meader, has impressively elaborated on the process, from a company perspective, while Adrian has used images captured for Carter, to explain how he achieves the creative spark.
Click to read the full story here: https://manufacturing-update.co.uk/magazine/